Sample Court Layout

If you familiarize yourself with the court layout, this can be helpful in building confidence during a potential difficult time.

● The judge sits at the very front and centre of the courtroom.
● The witness sits in a box on the judge’s left-hand side.
● The court clerk and court reporter sit in front of the judge at the front of the courtroom.
● If there is a jury, the jury members sit in a box on the side of the courtroom.
● The Crown Attorney and police officer sit at a desk in the middle of the courtroom, facing the judge.
● The Defence Attorney sits at a desk on the left-hand side of the Crown Attorney, also facing the judge.
● People watching in court sit at the back of the courtroom, facing the judge.
● The court security officer sits behind the defence lawyer and Crown Attorney, right in front of the people watching in court.

Here are some other tools that will help with becoming better prepared to handle a new environment or situation.